Monday 11 November 2013

How excess of online content can badly affect your online SEO

No doubt Content is King. To make your SEO plan foolproof, content does play a big role in it. But just how much the king content should really get any king-size? Is there a thin line between an optimally SEOed content and one that is excessively stuffed? When and where does one draw that line?
Most SEO analysts go by the “more is more” thumb rule. Where in reality, if the experts of the SEO field are to be believed, search engine optimization is better achieved with precise brief and a copy that is succinct. The key is in going rather objective than subjective. But objective in a way that completely suffices the purpose of your SEO plan.

The dynamics of online searching are continually changing. More and more reforms are being sought in into the online search engines to ensure authentic, spam-free search results when a user types in for a keyword or phrase. The search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. are continually upgrading their mechanisms to boost their performance and deliver the best of credible results to the online surfer or researcher.
Of course, if the copy on your webpage is redundant, old and doesn’t exactly correspond to the recent developments of that particular field, search engines will definitely discard it or rank it lower in the search results pages. Hence, it is a good SEO practice to constantly update the content part of your page. In a similar fashion, beating around the bush won’t help you either, because when a reader lands on your page he or she will only be disappointed to know that your page does quite offer the relevant information it should. A reader-specific content approach is obligatory.

When the spiders crawl on your webpage and find excess of information that isn’t really pertaining to the intent of page, they simply move on. Move on to neglect your page and do not rank it on the related search result.

When the bots heed less to your copy you tend to rank lower, resulting in poor or nil click-through-rates (CTR). No matter how tempting it may sound to overstuff your page copy with all the relevant keywords, but that will only degrade your status with the search engine bots. Search engine like Google, doesn’t at all entertain a submission that is densely keyword populated. As a result your webpage submission will be discarded aside. So if you put two-and-two together, what you infer is that anything beyond the required material is potentially hazardous to your site’s ranking. Too much of content, can become misleading for the readers as well as the search engine crawlers.

A leading SEO company toronto suggests that less is more while drafting your online SEO content. Short, precise and concise material makes things equally intelligible for the readers as well as the search engine algorithms. Of course, your webpage’s usability, overall site’s navigability are also the standing points in discerning your webpage’s ranking.

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