Wednesday 30 October 2013

Optimizing some basics with SEO model

SEO has always been focused on acquisition.

The marketing strategy, based on high rankings against keyword terms, is about gaining a steady flow of new visitors. If a site ranks better than competing sites, this steady stream of new visitors will advantage the top sites to the disadvantage of those sites beneath it.

The selling point of SEO is a strong one. The client gets a constant flow of new visitors and enjoys competitive advantage, just so long as they maintain rank.

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Basic search engine optimization (SEO) is fundamental. And essential. SEO will help you position your website properly to be found at the most critical points in the buying process or when people need your site.

What are search engines looking for? How can you build your website in a way that will please both your visitors/customers, as well as Google, Bing, and other search engines? Most importantly, how can SEO help your web presence become more profitable?

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Tuesday 29 October 2013

Tips for designing a high converting PPC Landing Page

Blog Content:Have you ever thought about the mass amounts of web traffic that click on one of your ppc ads, view the landing page, then quickly click away before you could even realize how much money was just wasted? With average conversion rates hovering somewhere in the 3% to 5% range, a lot of your advertising dollars are not yielding a return. Every click is valuable, and increasing your conversion rates by only a few percentage points can translate into incredible things for the return on your campaigns. To help you capture more conversions here are 5 tips for creating better performing landing pages.

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Most discussion of web design in companies who don’t know the power of landing pages still tends to focus on the home page. But, for companies who are running a lot of online marketing campaigns, the effectiveness of the different pages deeper within the site is vital to getting returns from these campaigns.

So this prompts the question, which factors make for the most effective landing page? Is a ‘Perfect Landing Page’ possible? This post gives a summary of my top 12 tips and places to look to find more examples.

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Monday 28 October 2013

Hummingbird Unleashed: What to Know & What to Do

Today one of the top news about hummingbird unleashed.The important information has been given what to know and what to do when google hummingbird is unleashed.

Sometimes I think that us SEOs could be wonderful characters for a Woody Allen movie: We are stressed, nervous, paranoid, we have a tendency for sudden changes of mood...okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, but that's how we tend to (over)react whenever Google announces something.

Cases like this webmaster, who is desperately thinking he was penalized by Hummingbird, are not uncommon.

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Every time you turn around Google is changing and altering the game. This time the algorithm update is affecting 90% of global internet search traffic, so it’s a big deal and has massive implications for everybody.

Keep in mind as you read this that Hummingbird has been doing its thing for over a month already. Google just decided to announce it. Kind of makes you wonder. Especially since Google makes it perfectly clear that Hummingbird is an unprecedented overhaul, or modernization.

It’s like going from the combustion engine of algorithms to a Tesla Model S electric motor with a lithium-ion battery.

We’re talking about an entire replacement.

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Friday 18 October 2013

How Can SEO Help My Business?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been around for a long time, but still entrepreneurs, especially small business owners, are yet to use it to give a boost to their business. Toronto is one of the world’s biggest hubs for trade and commerce, and businesses of all sizes have their presence here. Naturally, the competition is cutthroat, and businesses compete with each other to gain more customers.
Among the numerous methods of marketing your firm, SEO is the most affordable and effective. By taking the help of a SEO Company in Toronto, you will be increasing your online visibility, which in turn, will help you in reaching out to more customers

There has been a massive change in the way people look for information. In the past, a listing on the yellow pages would have been good enough to connect your customer with you, but today, most people are armed with a smartphone which dishes out information on the move. And, to feature prominently on popular search engines such as Google, MSN, and Bing, it is important that you take the help of a reputed SEO service provider. Let us take an example to understand the importance of SEO for your business.
Suppose you are the owner of an optical store in Toronto. You have created a fabulous website, with all the information regarding the designs you have in the store, your store address, phone number, etc. Now let us suppose that Jack wants to buy a pair of new sunglasses for himself. He doesn’t have a clue on where to go, so he types the words, “Optical store in Toronto” in a search engine. Within the fraction of a second, the search engine provides Jack with hundreds of thousands of search results, with the top ten results on the first page. Jack clicks on the first couple of search results, gets the address, and proceeds to buy the sunglasses. As your website is not ranking on the first page of the search engines, Jack will not know about your store. You might have the best website, and your store might have the most extensive range of sunglasses, but if it is not ranking on the first page of the search results, it is virtually non-existent. 

As you can see from the above mentioned example, internet has evolved as one of the biggest lead generator for many businesses, especially for localized searches. Today, people have the world on their fingertips, and they make buying decisions on the move. A SEO Company can work with you to create a holistic strategy, and help you in getting the maximum traffic from the internet. Let us take a look at the other ways in which SEO can help your business.

A Stronger Online Presence
Incorporating SEO in your internet marketing strategy will boost your online presence. Your website will be visible to a greater audience, and the probability of ranking for different keywords will also increase.

Better Reach Through Social Media
SEO has been around for a long time, but in the recent years, social media websites have emerged as a powerful tool of marketing for businesses. One of the biggest advantages of social media marketing is that it facilitates two-way communication between the brand and the consumer. Also, social media provides for a better customer relationship as you get to know more about the demographics of your customers.

Higher Return on Investment (ROI)
SEO is, by far, one of the most affordable methods of marketing your products. When you compare the costs of SEO with traditional methods of marketing such as print media, billboards, newsletters, etc. you will find that SEO easily wins hands down. The ROI on SEO is also higher, which helps small businesses with limited budgets.

The SEO benefits mentioned here are not exhaustive, and there are many other intricate benefits that a SEO Company will help you with. There are a number of SEO companies in Toronto and GTA which provide efficient services to businesses. Do a bit of research on what exactly do you want to achieve by incorporating SEO as a marketing strategy, communicate effectively with a SEO Company, and let SEO work wonders for your business.